Run the following command to ensure you have wa-automate installed:
> npm install @open-wa/wa-automate
or using yarn:
> yarn add @open-wa/wa-automate
You can then add the library to your project:
import { create, Client, decryptMedia, ev } from '@open-wa/wa-automate';
Some people report CentOS causing problems when installing this library.
Try the following:
> npm install @open-wa/wa-automate --unsafe-perm
or if you come accros permission issues:
> sudo npm install @open-wa/wa-automate --unsafe-perm
If you use chrome, by setting ConfigObject.useChrome
or ConfigObject.executablePath
then you don't need to install the whole of puppeteer (puppeteer installs a version of Chromium - not Chrome - by default).
If there are issues with installing the packages then try this:
> npm install @open-wa/wa-automate --ignore-scripts
Doing this saves time and memory.
Some people report issues with running the program using the built in puppeteer chromium package. Use this to install dependencies and install chrome. After doing the following command you can use Chrome by setting useChrome: true
in the config or with the --use-chrome
flag with the CLI.
> wget
> sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb